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Form 944 California Alameda: What You Should Know

Business Form 462 — Business Entity; Exemption from Taxes for Small, Qualified Organizations — IRS BusinessEntityExempt.gov Business Entity for Nonprofit Organization — IRS 501(c)3 California Tax Law California Tax Guide The California Franchise Tax Act is different from all other states in that it gives sole proprietors or their associates exclusive ownership of the business, with the associated business entity, while the other three sections of the state tax system do not require the establishment of a separate business entity. This is referred to as a business entity. The California Franchise Tax Act was enacted in 1992 to simplify and enforce the California Franchise Tax Act.  The California Franchise Tax Act (CTA) gives sole proprietors or their associates exclusive ownership of the business, with the associated business entity, while all other sections of State law do not require the establishment of a separate business entity.  However, the California Board of Equalization (BOE), in conjunction with the taxing agencies, considers all business operations (including sole proprietorship and corporate partners) to be joint ventures and imposes a franchise tax on any profits distributed. A sole proprietor who has been found liable for certain tax liabilities may be required to register as a business entity.  This means that any deductions or expenses associated with the registration would be treated as ordinary business expenses and not subject to business liability tax under Proposition 65, and that a California Taxpayer Identification Number (CTN) would be required as a condition of registration. Business Entity — Tax Registration — Franchise Tax Act : You may have the option of having business entity status, or may even want to use it, if you plan to be engaged in a variety or business activities.  However, if you plan to engage in business activities that qualify as the business activities (or ancillary business activities) specifically designated in Section 955, “Sole Proprietorship or Business Entities,” you will not have the option of being considered a sole proprietor.  Section 955 requires at least one owner of an entity to own a majority of that business entity, and not one owner has one-half of the company.  Thus, a sole proprietor may be required to use the business entity status to make sure that the owner owns sufficient of the business entity to satisfy the conditions of Section 955, including, among others, the owner being able to obtain property on both the federal and state tax rolls.

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